Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who should go to the 2nd Hospice Symposium for Animals?

In the words of the The Nikki Hospice Foundation for Pets ( and The Assisi International Animal Institute ( sponsers of the Second International Symposium on Veterinary Hospice and Pallative Care, the meeting is highly reccomended

for veterinarians, holistic veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, veterinary assistants, clinical practice managers, hospice professionals, hospice program managers, hospice volunteers, nursing personnel, medical staff, professionals in complementary and alternative medicine, psychologists, grief counselors, social workers, mental health professionals, bereavement facilitators, hospice volunteers, animal health care practitioners, shelter and SPCA staff, animal welfare workers, animal communicators, pet massage therapists, pet-sitters, animal chaplains, funeral directors and others in related fields, as well as the general public.

Shay, who was very ill when rescued, greatly appreciated pain control and comfort techniques her care takers learned through Veterinary Hospice training. Please come and learn what you can do to advance this new field!

Check out:

Please send this to everyone who may be interested in this great opportunity to learn,
engage, discuss, and bring Hospice Care to more pets!

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